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Our Whidbey Nordic Family

The Ester Moe Lodge

Here on Whidbey Island there is also a member Lodge of The Daughters of Norway  - The Ester Moe Lodge.
We, our Nordic Lodge,  a Sons of Norway member Lodge, consider them ‘family’, though our individual parent organizations are separate entities.


The Ester Moe Lodge was named after Ester Anderson Moe, daughter of Norwegian immigrant parents who settled on South Whidbey in 1906.  Ester became a pioneer school teacher on Whidbey, the Postmaster of the Clinton P.O. for 29 years and a very active participant in many community activities.


Ester Moe Lodge members meet on the second Saturday of every month (except July and August) at 9:30am at St Peter’s Lutheran Church in Clinton.  Speakers and performers from around the Northwest are invited to speak or perform at these meetings.  Their Lodge also sponsors several events each year that offer the public exposure to Scandinavian foods, crafts, folk music and dance.


During the coming year – and hopefully beyond – our Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge will be collaborating with the Ester Moe Lodge, sharing ideas about future cultural programs & activities and planning an occasional joint program or activity.  As part of this collaborative effort, you’ll find Ester Moe Lodge activities, programs & events listed under the Programs & Activities tab on this website along with our own.

Ester Moe Lodge DoN High Resolution.JPG

Learn more about the Ester Moe Lodge


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